ADC08831是TI公司的一款精密ADC(<=10MSPS)产品,ADC08831是具有多路复用器和采样/保持功能的 8 位串行 I/O CMOS A/D 转换器,本页介绍了ADC08831的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与ADC08831相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
ADC08831 - 具有多路复用器和采样/保持功能的 8 位串行 I/O CMOS A/D 转换器 - 精密ADC(<=10MSPS) - 模数转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The ADC08831/ADC08832 are 8-bit successive approximation Analog to Digital converters with 3-wire serial interfaces and a configurable input multiplexer for 2 channels. The serial I/O will interface to COPSfamily of micro-controllers, PLD's, microprocessors, DSP's, or shift registers. The serial I/O is configured to comply with the MICROWIRE serial data exchange standard.
To minimize total power consumption, the ADC08831/ADC08832 automatically go into low power mode whenever they are not performing conversions.
A track/hold function allows the analog voltage at the positive input to vary during the actual A/D conversion.
The analog inputs can be configured to operate in various combinations of single-ended, differential, or pseudo-differential modes. The voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding of small analog voltage spans to the full 8-bits of resolution.
- 3-Wire Serial Digital Data Link Requires Few I/O Pins
- Analog Input Track/Hold Function
- 2-Channel Input Multiplexer Option with Address Logic
- Analog Input Voltage Range from GND to VCC
- No Zero or Full Scale Adjustment Required
- TTL/CMOS Input/Output Compatible
- Superior Pin Compatible Replacement for ADC0831/2
Key Specifications
- Resolution: 8 Bits
- Conversion Time (fC = 2 MHz): 4μs (Max)
- Power Dissipation: 8.5mW (Typ)
- Low Power Mode: 3.0mW (Typ)
- Single Supply: 5VDC
- Total Unadjusted Error: ±1LSB
- No Missing Codes over Temperature