ADC10154是TI公司的一款精密ADC(<=10MSPS)产品,ADC10154是具有 4 或 8 通道 MUX、跟踪/保持和参考功能的 10 位 + 4 微秒 ADC,本页介绍了ADC10154的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与ADC10154相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
ADC10154 - 具有 4 或 8 通道 MUX、跟踪/保持和参考功能的 10 位 + 4 微秒 ADC - 精密ADC(<=10MSPS) - 模数转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The ADC10154 and ADC10158 are CMOS 10-bit plus sign successive approximation A/D converters with versatile analog input multiplexers, track/hold function and a 2.5V band-gap reference. The 4-channel or 8-channel multiplexers can be software configured for single-ended, differential or pseudo-differential modes of operation.
The input track/hold is implemented using a capacitive array and sampled-data comparator.
Resolution can be programmed to be 8-bit, 8-bit plus sign, 10-bit or 10-bit plus sign. Lower-resolution conversions can be performed faster.
The variable resolution output data word is read in two bytes, and can be formatted left justified or right justified, high byte first.
- 4- or 8- channel configurable multiplexer
- Analog input track/hold function
- 0V to 5V analog input range with single +5V power supply
- -5V to +5V analog input voltage range with ±5V supplies
- Fully tested in unipolar (single +5V supply) and bipolar (dual ±5V supplies) operation
- Programmable resolution/speed and output data format
- Ratiometric or Absolute voltage reference operation
- No zero or full scale adjustment required
- No missing codes over temperature
- Easy microprocessor interface
Key Specifications
10-bit plus sign
Integral linearity error
±1 LSB (max)
Unipolar power dissipation
33 mW (max)
Conversion time (10-bit + sign)
4.4 µs (max)
Conversion time (8-bit)
3.2 µs (max)
Sampling rate (10-bit + sign)
166 kHz
Sampling rate (8-bit)
207 kHz
Band-gap reference
2.5V ±2.0% (max)