BQ2005是TI公司的一款电池充电器IC产品,BQ2005是NiCd/NiMH 开关模式充电管理 IC,用于双电池组的顺序充电,本页介绍了BQ2005的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与BQ2005相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
BQ2005 - NiCd/NiMH 开关模式充电管理 IC,用于双电池组的顺序充电 - 电池充电器IC - 电池管理产品 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The bq2005 Fast-Charge IC provides comprehensive fast charge control functions together with high-speed switching power control circuitry on a monolithic CMOS device for sequential charge management in dual battery pack applications.
Integration of closed-loop current control circuitry allows the bq2005 to be the basis of a cost-effective solution for stand-alone and system-integrated chargers for batteries of one or more cells.
Switch-activated discharge-before-charge allows bq2005-based chargers to support battery conditioning and capacity determination.
High-efficiency power conversion is accomplished using the bq2005 as a hysteretic PWM controller for switch-mode regulation of the charging current. The bq2005 may alternatively be used to gate an externally regulated charging current.
Fast charge may begin on application of the charging supply, replacement of the battery, or switch depression. For safety, fast charge is inhibited unless/until the battery temperature and voltage are within configured limits.
Temperature, voltage, and time are monitored throughout fast charge. Fast charge is terminated by any of the following: Rate of temperature rise (t) Negative delta voltage (-V) Maximum voltage Maximum temperature Maximum time
After fast charge, optional top-off and pulsed current maintenance phases are available.
- Sequential fast charge and conditioning of two NiCd or NiMH nickel cadmium or nickel-metal hydride battery packs
- Hysteretic PWM switch-mode current regulation or gated control of an external regulator
- Easily integrated into systems or used as a stand-alone charger
- Pre-charge qualification of temperature and voltage
- Direct LED outputs display battery and charge status
- Fast-charge termination by V, maximum voltage, maximum temperature, and maximum time
- Optional top-off and pulse-trickle charging