BQ24400 - 可编程的镍镉电池/镍氢电池快速充电管理设备 - 电池充电器IC - 电池管理产品 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
- Safe Management of Fast Charge for NiCd and NiMH Battery Packs
- High-Frequency Switching Controller for Efficient and Simple Charger Design
- Pre-Charge Qualification for Detecting Shorted, Damaged, or Overheated Cells
- Fast-Charge Termination by Peak Voltage (PVD), Maximum Temperature, and Maximum Charge Time
- Selectable Top-Off Mode for Achieving Maximum Capacity in NiMH Batteries
- Programmable Trickle-Charge Mode for Reviving Deeply Discharged Batteries and for Postcharge Maintenance
- Built-in Battery Removal and Insertion Detection
- Sleep Mode for Low Power Consumption
- Nickel Charger
- High-Power, Multi-Cell Charger
The bq24400 is a programmable, monolithic IC for fast-charge management of nickel cadmium (NiCd) and nickel metal-hydride (NiMH) in single or multi-cell applications.
The bq24400 provides these charge termination criteria:
- Peak voltage, PVD
- Maximum temperature
- Maximum charge time
For safety, the bq24400 inhibits fast charge until the battery voltage and temperature are within user-defined limits. If the battery voltage is below the low-voltage threshold, thebq24400 uses trickle-harge to condition the battery. For NiMH batteries, the bq24400 provides an optional top-off charge to maximize the battery capacity.
The integrated high-speed comparator allows the bq24400 to be the basis for a complete, high-efficiency battery charger circuit for nickel-based chemistries.