BQ25570是TI公司的一款能源采集和太阳能充电产品,BQ25570是具有升压充电器的超低功耗收集电源管理 IC 以及毫微功率降压转换器,本页介绍了BQ25570的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与BQ25570相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
BQ25570 - 具有升压充电器的超低功耗收集电源管理 IC 以及毫微功率降压转换器 - 能源采集和太阳能充电 - 电池管理产品 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
- Ultra Low Power DC-DC Boost Charger
- Cold-start Voltage: VIN ≥ 330 mV
- Continuous Energy Harvesting From VIN as low as 100 mV
- Input Voltage Regulation Prevents Collapsing High Impedance Input Sources
- Full Operating Quiescent Current of 488 nA (typical)
- Ship Mode with < 5 nA From Battery
- Energy Storage
- Energy can be Stored to Re-chargeable Li-ion Batteries, Thin-film Batteries, Super-capacitors, or Conventional Capacitors
- Battery Charging and Protection
- Internally Set Undervoltage Level
- User Programmable Overvoltage Levels
- Battery Good Output Flag
- Programmable Threshold and Hysteresis
- Warn Attached Microcontrollers of Pending Loss of Power
- Can be Used to Enable or Disable System Loads
- Programmable Step Down Regulated Output (Buck)
- High Efficiency up to 93%
- Supports Peak Output Current up to 110 mA (typical)
- Programmable Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
- Provides Optimal Energy Extraction From a Variety of Energy Harvesters including Solar Panels, Thermal and Piezo Electric Generators
- Energy Harvesting
- Solar Chargers
- Thermal Electric Generator (TEG) Harvesting
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
- Low Power Wireless Monitoring
- Environmental Monitoring
- Bridge and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
- Smart Building Controls
- Portable and Wearable Health Devices
- Entertainment System Remote Controls
The bq25570 device is specifically designed to efficiently extract microwatts (µW) to milliwatts (mW) of power generated from a variety of high output impedance DC sources like photovoltaic (solar) or thermal electric generators (TEG) without collapsing those sources. The battery management features ensure that a rechargeable battery is not overcharged by this extracted power, with voltage boosted, or depleted beyond safe limits by a system load. In addition to the highly efficient boosting charger, the bq25570 integrates a highly efficient, nano- power buck converter for providing a second power rail to systems such as wireless sensor networks (WSN) which have stringent power and operational demands. All the capabilities of bq25570 are packed into a small foot-print 20-lead 3.5-mm x 3.5-mm QFN package (RGR).
bq25570 | VQFN (20) | 3.50 mm × 3.50 mm |