CD74AC373 - 具有三态输出的八路透明锁存器 - D类锁存器 - 触发器/锁存器/寄存器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The RCA-CD54/74AC373 and CD54/74AC533 and the CD54/74ACT373 and CD54/74ACT533 octal transparent 3-state latches use the RCA ADVANCED CMOS technology. The outputs are transparent to the inputs when the Latch Enable (LE\) is HIGH. When the Latch Enable (LE\) goes LOW, the data is latched. The Output Enable (OE\) controls the 3-sate outputs. When the Output Enable (OE\) is HIGH, the outputs are in the high-impedance state. The latch operation is independent of the state of the Output Enable.
The CD74AC/ACT373 and CD74AC/ACT533 are supplied in 20-lead dual-in-line plastic package (E suffix) and in 20-lead dual-in-line small-outline plastic packages (M suffix). Both package types are operable over the following temperature ranges: Commerical (0 to 70°C); Industrial (-40 to +85°C); and Extended Industrial/Military (-55 to +125°C).
The CD54AC/ACT373 and CD54AC/ACT533, available in chip form (H suffix), are operable over the -55 to +125°C temperature range.
- Buffered inputs
- Typical pro-agation delay: 4.3 ns @ VCC = 5 V, TA = 25°C, CL = 50 pF
- Exceeds 2-kV ESD Protection - MIL-STD-883, Method 3015
- SCR-Latchup-resistant CMOS process and circuit design
- Speed of bipolar FAST*/AS/S with significantly reduced power consumption
- Balanced propagation delays
- AC types feature 1.5-V to 5.5-V operation and balanced noise immunity at 30% of the supply
- ± 24-mA output drive current -Fanout to 15 FAST* ICs -Drives 50-ohm transmission lines
- Characterized for operation from 40° to 85°C
*FAST is a Registered Trademark of Fairchild Semicondutor Corp.