DAC5571是TI公司的一款精密DAC(=<10MSPS)产品,DAC5571是具有高速 I2C 输入的低功耗 8 位 DAC,本页介绍了DAC5571的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与DAC5571相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
DAC5571 - 具有高速 I2C 输入的低功耗 8 位 DAC - 精密DAC(=<10MSPS) - 数模转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The DAC5571 is a low-power, single-channel, 8-bit buffered voltage output DAC. Its on-chip precision output amplifier allows rail-to-rail output swing to be achieved. The DAC5571 utilizes an I2C-compatible, two-wire serial interface that operates at clock rates up to 3.4 Mbps with address support of up to two DAC5571s on the same data bus.
The output voltage range of the DAC is 0 V to VDD. The DAC5571 incorporates a power-on-reset circuit that ensures that the DAC output powers up at zero volts and remains there until a valid write to the device takes place. The DAC5571 contains a power-down feature, accessed via the internal control register, that reduces the current consumption of the device to 50 nA at 5 V.
The low-power consumption of this part in normal operation makes it ideally suited for portable battery operated equipment. The power consumption is less than 0.7 mW at VDD = 5 V reducing to 1 µW in power-down mode.
DAC7571/6571/5571 are 12/10/8-bit, single-channel I2C DACs from the same family. DAC7574/6574/5574 and DAC7573/6573/5573 are 12/10/8-bit quad-channel I2C DACs. Also see DAC8571/8574 for single/quad-channel, 16-bit I2C DACs.
- Micropower Operation: 125 µA @ 3 V
- Fast Update Rate: 188 KSPS
- Power-On Reset to Zero
- +2.7-V to +5.5-V Power Supply
- Specified Monotonic by Design
- I2C Interface up to 3.4 Mbps
- On-Chip Output Buffer Amplifier, Rail-to-Rail Operation
- Double-Buffered Input Register
- Address Support for up to Two DAC5571s
- Small 6 Lead SOT 23 Package
- Operation From -40°C to 105°C
- Process Control
- Data Acquistion Systems
- Closed-Loop Servo Control
- PC Peripherals
- Portable Instrumentation
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