LM49350 - 具有接地参考立体声耳机放大器超低 EMI D 类扬声器放大器的高性能编解码器子系统
LM49350是TI公司的一款音频编解码器产品,LM49350是具有接地参考立体声耳机放大器超低 EMI D 类扬声器放大器的高性能编解码器子系统,本页介绍了LM49350的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与LM49350相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
LM49350 - 具有接地参考立体声耳机放大器超低 EMI D 类扬声器放大器的高性能编解码器子系统 - 音频编解码器 - 音频转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The LM49350 is a high performance audio subsystem that supports both analog and digital audio functions. The LM49350 includes a high quality stereo DAC, a high quality stereo ADC, a stereo headphone amplifier that supports ground referenced output cap-less operation, a dual mode earpiece speaker amplifier, and a low EMI Class D loudspeaker amplifier. It is designed for demanding applications in mobile phones and other portable devices.
The LM49350 features dual bi-directional I 2S or PCM audio interfaces for full range audio and an I 2C compatible interface for control. The stereo DAC path features an SNR of 96dB with 24-bit 48 kHz input. The headphone amplifier delivers 69mWRMS (typ) to a 32Ω single-ended stereo load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N) when A_VDD = 3.3V. The earpiece speaker amplifier delivers 58mWRMS (typ) to a 32Ω bridged-tied load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N) when A_VDD = 3.3V. The loudspeaker amplifier delivers up to 495mW into an 8Ω load with less than 1% distortion when LS_VDD = 3.3V and up to 1.2W when LS_VDD = 5.0V.
The LM49350 employs advanced techniques to reduce power consumption, to reduce controller overhead, to speed development time, and to eliminate click and pop. Boomer audio power amplifiers were designed specifically to provide high quality output power with a minimal amount of external components. It is therefore ideally suited for mobile phone and other low voltage applications where minimal power consumption, PCB area and cost are primary requirements.
High performance 96dB SNR stereo DAC High performance 94dB SNR stereo ADC Up to 192kHz stereo audio playback Up to 48kHz stereo recording Dual bidirectional I 2S or PCM compatible audio interfaces Read/write I 2C compatible control interface Flexible digital mixer with sample rate conversion Dual sigma-delta PLLs for operation from any clock at any sample rate Digital 3D stereo enhancement Dual 5 band parametric equalizers Cascadable DSP effects that allow 10 band parametric equalization ALC/Compressor/Limiter on both DAC and ADC paths Ultra low EMI, Class D loudspeaker amplifier with spread spectrum control Ground referenced output cap-less headphone amplifier operation Earpiece speaker amplifier with reduced power consumption mode for mono differential line out applications Stereo auxiliary inputs or mono differential input Differential stereo microphone inputs with single-ended option Automatic level control for digital audio inputs, stereo microphone inputs, and stereo auxiliary inputs Flexible audio routing from input to output 16 Step volume control for microphones with 2dB steps 32 Step volume control for auxiliary inputs in 1.5dB steps Micro-power shutdown mode Available in the 3.5 x 3.5 mm 36 bump micro SMD package
TPS76828-Q1 - 汽车类单输出 LDO、1.0A、固定电压 (2.8V)、低静态电流INA200-Q1 - 具有比较器和基准的汽车类高侧测量电流并联监视器AMC1100 - 全差动隔离放大器LM3410 - 具有内部补偿的 525kHz/1.6MHz、恒流升压和 SEPIC LED 驱动器SN74CB3T3245 - 具有 5V 容限电平转换器的 8 位 FET 2.5V/3.3V 低电压总线开关TMS320C5533 - TMS320C553x 定点 DSPLM27222 - 高速 4.5A 同步 MOSFET 驱动器DRV10963 - 5V、三相无传感器 BLDC 电机驱动器CD74HC153 - 高速 CMOS 逻辑双路 4 输入多路复用器MSP430F67751A - MSP430F677x1A、MSP430F677x 1A、MSP430F677x1A 混合信号微控制器