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LM61 - 产品图解:
LM61-采用 TO-92 封装的 ±2°C 模拟输出温度传感器
TI产品 - LM61介绍
LM61 - 采用 TO-92 封装的 ±2°C 模拟输出温度传感器

LM61是TI公司的一款本地温度传感器产品,LM61是采用 TO-92 封装的 ±2°C 模拟输出温度传感器,本页介绍了LM61的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与LM61相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

LM61 - 采用 TO-92 封装的 ±2°C 模拟输出温度传感器 - 本地温度传感器 - 温度传感器和控制IC - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


The LM61 is a precision integrated-circuit temperature sensor that can sense a −30°C to +100°C temperature range while operating from a single +2.7V supply. The LM61's output voltage is linearly proportional to Celsius (Centigrade) temperature (+10mV/°C) and has a DC offset of +600mV. The offset allows reading negative temperatures without the need for a negative supply. The nominal output voltage of the LM61 ranges from +300mV to +1600mV for a −30°C to +100°C temperature range. The LM61 is calibrated to provide accuracies of ±2.0°C at room temperature and ±3°C over the full −25°C to +85°C temperature range.

The LM61's linear output, +600mV offset, and factory calibration simplify external circuitry required in a single supply environment where reading negative temperatures is required. Because the LM61's quiescent current is less than 125μA, self-heating is limited to a very low 0.2°C in still air. Shutdown capability for the LM61 is intrinsic because its inherent low power consumption allows it to be powered directly from the output of many logic gates.


  • Calibrated Linear Scale Factor of +10 mV/°C
  • Rated for Full −30° to +100°C Range
  • Suitable for Remote Applications
  • UL Recognized Component

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