LM95235是TI公司的一款远程温度传感器产品,LM95235是采用 TruTherm 技术且具有 SMBus 接口的 ±2°C 远程和本地温度传感器,本页介绍了LM95235的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与LM95235相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
LM95235 - 采用 TruTherm 技术且具有 SMBus 接口的 ±2°C 远程和本地温度传感器 - 远程温度传感器 - 温度传感器和控制IC - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The LM95235 is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor with a 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus) interface and TruTherm technology that can monitor the temperature of a remote diode as well as its own temperature. The LM95235 can be used to very accurately monitor the temperature of external devices such as microprocessors, graphics processors, or a diode-connected MMBT3904 transistor. For automotive applications the LM95235Q is available that is AEC-Q100 Grade3 compliant and is manufactured on an Automotive Grade Flow. TruTherm BJT (transistor) beta compensation technology allows the LM95235 to precisely monitor thermal diodes found in 90 nm and smaller geometry processes. LM95235 reports temperature in two different formats for +127.875°C/-128°C range and 0°C/255°C range. The LM95235 T_CRIT and OS outputs are asserted when either unmasked channel exceeds its programmed limit and can be used to shutdown the system, to turn on the system fans, or as a microcontroller interrupt function. The current status of the T_CRIT and OS pins can be read back from the status registers via the SMBus interface. All limits have a shared programmable hysteresis register.
The remote temperature channel of the LM95235 has a programmable digital filter. The LM95235 contains a diode model selection bit to select between a typical Intel® processor on a 65 nm or 90 nm process or MMBT3904, as well as an offset register for maximum flexibility and best accuracy.
The LM95235 has a three-level address pin to connect up to 3 devices to the same SMBus master, that is shared with the OS output. The LM95235 has a programmable conversion rate register and a standby mode to save power. One conversion can be triggered in standby mode by writing to the one-shot register.
- Remote and Local Temperature Channels
- TruTherm BJT Beta Compensation Technology
- LM95235Q is AEC-Q100 Grade 3 Compliant and is Manufactured on an Automotive Grade Flow
- Diode Model Selection Bit - MMBT3904 or 65/90-nm Processor Diodes
- Two Formats: -128°C to 127.875°C and 0°C to 255.875°C
- Digital Filter for Remote Channel
- Programmable TCRIT and OS Thresholds
- Programmable Shared Hysteresis Register
- Diode Fault Detection
- Mask, Offset, and Status Registers
- SMBus 2.0 Compatible Interface, Supports TIMEOUT
- Programmable Conversion Rate for Best Power Consumption
- Three-Level Address Pin
- Standby Mode One-Shot Conversion Control
- Pin-for-Pin Compatible With the LM86 and LM89
- 8-Pin VSSOP Package
Key Specifications
- Supply Voltage 3.0 to 3.6 V
- Supply Current, Conv. Rate = 1 Hz 350 µA (typ)
- Remote Diode Temperature Accuracy
- TA = 25°C to 85°C; TD = 60°C to 100°C, ±0.75 °C (max)
- TA = 25°C to 90°C; TD = 40°C to 125°C, ±1.5 °C (max)
- Local Temperature Accuracy
- TA = 25°C to 100°C, ±2.0 °C (max)
- Conversion Rate, Both Channels 16 to 0.4 Hz