LT1004-2.5 - 微功耗集成精密电压参考 - 并联电压基准 - 电压基准 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The LT1004 micropower voltage reference is a two-terminal band-gap reference diode designed to provide high accuracy and excellent temperature characteristics at very low operating currents. Optimizing the key parameters in the design, processing, and testing of the device results in specifications previously attainable only with selected units.
The LT1004 is a pin-for-pin replacement for the LM285 and LM385 series of references, with improved specifications. It is an excellent device for use in systems in which accuracy was previously attained at the expense of power consumption and trimming.
The LT1004C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The LT1004I is characterized for operation from 40°C to 85°C.
- Initial Accuracy
- ±4 mV for LT1004-1.2
- ±20 mV for LT1004-2.5
- Micropower Operation
- Operates up to 20 mA
- Very Low Reference Impedance
- Applications:
- Portable Meter Reference
- Portable Test Instruments
- Battery-Operated Systems
- Current-Loop Instrumentation