LT1054 - 具有稳压器的带开关电容器电压转换器 - 电荷泵(无感应器) - DC/DC开关稳压器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
- Output Current, 100 mA
- Low Loss, 1.1 V at 100 mA
- Operating Range, 3.5 V to 15 V
- Reference and Error Amplifier for Regulation
- External Shutdown
- External Oscillator Synchronization
- Devices Can Be Paralleled
- Pin-to-Pin Compatible With the LTC1044/7660
- Industrial Communications (RS232)
- Data Acquisition Supply
- Voltage Inverters
- Voltage Regulators
- Negative Voltage Doublers
- Positive Voltage Doublers
The LT1054 device is a bipolar, switched-capacitor voltage converter with regulator. It provides higher output current and significantly lower voltage losses than previously available converters. An adaptive-switch drive scheme optimizes efficiency over a wide range of output currents.
Total voltage drop at 100-mA output current typically is 1.1 V. This applies to the full supply-voltage range of 3.5 V to 15 V. Quiescent current typically is 2.5 mA.
The LT1054 also provides regulation, a feature previously not available in switched-capacitor voltage converters. By adding an external resistive divider, a regulated output can be obtained. This output is regulated against changes in both input voltage and output current. The LT1054 can also shut down by grounding the feedback terminal. Supply current in shutdown typically is 100 μA.
The internal oscillator of the LT1054 runs at a nominal frequency of 25 kHz. The oscillator terminal can be used to adjust the switching frequency or to externally synchronize the LT1054.
The LT1054C is characterized for operation over a free-air temperature range of 0°C to 70°C. The LT1054I is characterized for operation over a free-air temperature range of −40°C to 85°C.
LT1054 | PDIP (8) | 9.50 mm × 6.35 mm |
SOIC (16) | 10.30 mm × 10.30 mm |