PCM1851A是TI公司的一款音频ADC产品,PCM1851A是具有 6x2 通道 MUX 和 PGA 的 101dB SNR 立体声 ADC,本页介绍了PCM1851A的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与PCM1851A相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
PCM1851A - 具有 6x2 通道 MUX 和 PGA 的 101dB SNR 立体声 ADC - 音频ADC - 音频转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The PCM1850A/1851A is a highperformance, lowcost, singlechip stereo analogtodigital converter with a singleended analog front end that consists of a 6stereoinput multiplexer and widerange PGA. The PCM1850A/1851A includes a deltasigma modulator with 64times oversampling, a digital decimation filter and a lowcut filter that removes the dc component of the input signal. For various applications, the PCM1850A/1851A supports two modes (master and slave) and four data formats through a serial control interface, SPI for the PCM1850A and I2C for the PCM1851A. The PCM1850A/1851A is suitable for a wide variety of costsensitive DVD/CD/MD recorder and receiver applications where good performance and operation from a 5V analog supply and 3.3V digital supply is required. The PCM1850A/1851A is fabricated using a highly advanced CMOS process and is available in a small 32pin TQFP package.
- Multiplexer and ProgrammableGain Amplifier (PGA)
- 6×2Channel SingleEnded Inputs
- Multiplexed Output
- Maximum Input Level: 2.4 V rms
- Input Resistance: 50 k, Minimum
- PGA Gain: 11dB to 11dB Range, 0.5 dB/Step
- 24Bit DeltaSigma Stereo A/D Converter
- Antialiasing Filter Included
- Oversampling Decimation Filter
- Oversampling Frequency: 64
- PassBand Ripple: ±0.05 dB
- StopBand Attenuation: 65 dB
- OnChip HighPass Filter: 0.91 Hz (48 kHz)
- High Performance
- THD+N: 0.0023% (Typically)
- SNR: 101 dB (Typically)
- Dynamic Range: 102 dB (Typically)
- PCM Audio Interface
- Master/Slave Mode Selectable
- Data Formats: 24Bit LeftJustified, 24Bit I2S, 16, 24Bit RightJustified
- Mode Control by Serial Interface:
- With SPI Control (PCM1850A)
- With I2C Control (PCM1851A)
- Sampling Rate: 1696 kHz
- System Clock: 256 fs, 384 fs, 512 fs, 768 fs
- Dual Power Supplies: 5 V for Analog, 3.3 V for Digital
- Package: 32Pin TQFP
- DVD/HDD/DVD+HDD Recorder
- AV Amplifier Receiver
- CD Recorder
- MD Recorder
- Multitrack Recorder
- Electric Musical Instrument
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