PCM3002是TI公司的一款音频编解码器产品,PCM3002是16 位/20 位单端模拟输入/输出 SoundPlus(TM) 立体声音频编解码器,本页介绍了PCM3002的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与PCM3002相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
PCM3002 - 16 位/20 位单端模拟输入/输出 SoundPlus(TM) 立体声音频编解码器 - 音频编解码器 - 音频转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The PCM3002 and PCM3003 are low-cost, single-chip stereo audio codecs (analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters) with single-ended analog voltage input and output.
The ADCs and DACs employ delta-sigma modulation with 64-times oversampling. The ADCs include a digital decimation filter, and the DACs include an 8-times oversampling digital interpolation filter. The DACs also include digital attenuation, de-emphasis, infinite zero detection, and soft mute to form a complete subsystem. The PCM3002 and PCM3003 operate with left-justified (ADC) and right-justified (DAC) formats, while the PCM3002 also supports other formats, including the I2S data format. The PCM3002 and PCM3003 provide a power-down mode that operates on the ADCs and DACs independently.
The PCM3002 and PCM3003 are fabricated using a highly advanced CMOS process, and are available in a 24-pin SSOP package. The PCM3002 and PCM3003 are suitable for a wide variety of cost-sensitive consumer applications where good performance is required.
The PCM3002 programmable functions are controlled by software. The PCM3003 functions, which are controlled by hardware, include de-emphasis, power-down, and audio data format selections.
- Monolithic 20-Bit ADC and DAC
- 16/20-Bit Input/Output Data
- Software Control: PCM3002
- Hardware Control: PCM3003
- Stereo ADC:
- Antialiasing Filter
- 64× Oversampling
- High Performance
- THD+N: &3150;86 dB
- SNR: 90 dB
- Dynamic Range: 90 dB
- Single-Ended Voltage Output
- Analog Low-Pass Filter
- 64× Oversampling
- High Performance
- THD+N: 86 dB
- SNR: 94 dB
- Dynamic Range: 94 dB
- Digital De-Emphasis: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
- Power Down: ADC/DAC Independent
- Digital Attenuation (256 Steps)
- Soft Mute
- Digital Loopback
- Four Alternative Audio Data Formats
- DVC Applications
- DSC Applications
- Portable/Mobile Audio Applications
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