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SN54F283 - 产品图解:
SN54F283-具有快速进位功能的 4 位二进制全加器
TI产品 - SN54F283介绍
SN54F283 - 具有快速进位功能的 4 位二进制全加器

SN54F283是TI公司的一款计数器/算术/奇偶校验功能产品,SN54F283是具有快速进位功能的 4 位二进制全加器,本页介绍了SN54F283的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN54F283相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

SN54F283 - 具有快速进位功能的 4 位二进制全加器 - 计数器/算术/奇偶校验功能 - 特殊逻辑 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


The ´F283 is a full adder that performs the addition of two 4-bit binary words. The sum ( ) outputs are provided for each bit and the resultant carry (C4) output is obtained from the fourth bit.

The device features full internal look-ahead across all four bits generating the carry term C4 in typically 5.7 ns. This capability provides the system designer with partial look-ahead performance at the economy and reduced package count of a ripple-carry implementation.

The adder logic, including the carry, is implemented in its true form. End-around carry can be accomplished without the need for logic or level inversion.

The ´F283 can be used with either all-active-high (positive logic) or all-active-low (negative logic) operands.

The SN54F283 is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. The SN74F283 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.


  • Full-Carry Look-Ahead Across the Four Bits
  • Systems Achieve Partial Look-Ahead Performance With the Economy of Ripple Carry
  • Package Options Include Plastic Small-Outline Packages, Ceramic Chip Carriers, and Standard Plastic and Ceramic 300-mil DIPs

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