SN54HC165是TI公司的一款移位寄存器产品,SN54HC165是并联负载 8 位移位寄存器,本页介绍了SN54HC165的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN54HC165相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
SN54HC165 - 并联负载 8 位移位寄存器 - 移位寄存器 - 触发器/锁存器/寄存器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The ’HC165 devices are 8-bit parallel-load shift registers that, when clocked, shift the data toward a serial (QH) output. Parallel-in access to each stage is provided by eight individual direct data (A−H) inputs that are enabled by a low level at the shift/load (SH/LD) input. The ’HC165 devices also feature a clock-inhibit (CLK INH) function and a complementary serial (QH) output.
Clocking is accomplished by a low-to-high transition of the clock (CLK) input while SH/LD is held high and CLK INH is held low. The functions of CLK and CLK INH are interchangeable. Since a low CLK and a low-to-high transition of CLK INH also accomplish clocking, CLK INH should be changed to the high level only while CLK is high. Parallel loading is inhibited when SH/LD is held high. While SH/LD is low, the parallel inputs to the register are enabled independently of the levels of the CLK, CLK INH, or serial (SER) inputs.
- Wide Operating Voltage Range of 2 V to 6 V
- Outputs Can Drive Up To 10 LSTTL Loads
- Low Power Consumption, 80-μA Max ICC
- Typical tpd = 13 ns
- ±4-mA Output Drive at 5 V
- Low Input Current of 1 μA Max
- Complementary Outputs
- Direct Overriding Load (Data) Inputs
- Gated Clock Inputs
- Parallel-to-Serial Data Conversion