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SN54LVC74A - 产品图解:
SN54LVC74A-具有清零和预设功能的双路上升沿 D 类触发器
TI产品 - SN54LVC74A介绍
SN54LVC74A - 具有清零和预设功能的双路上升沿 D 类触发器

SN54LVC74A是TI公司的一款D类触发器产品,SN54LVC74A是具有清零和预设功能的双路上升沿 D 类触发器,本页介绍了SN54LVC74A的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN54LVC74A相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

SN54LVC74A - 具有清零和预设功能的双路上升沿 D 类触发器 - D类触发器 - 触发器/锁存器/寄存器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


The SN54LVC74A dual positive-edge-triggered D-type flip-flop is designed for 2.7-V to 3.6-V VCC operation, and the SN74LVC74A dual positive-edge-triggered D-type flip-flop is designed for 1.65-V to 3.6-V VCC operation.

A low level at the preset (PRE) or clear (CLR) inputs sets or resets the outputs, regardless of the levels of the other inputs. When PRE and CLR are inactive (high), data at the data (D) input meeting the setup time requirements is transferred to the outputs on the positive-going edge of the clock pulse. Clock triggering occurs at a voltage level and is not directly related to the rise time of the clock pulse. Following the hold-time interval, data at the D input can be changed without affecting the levels at the outputs.

The data I/Os and control inputs are overvoltage tolerant. This feature allows the use of these devices for down-translation in a mixed-voltage environment.


  • Operate From 1.65 V to 3.6 V
  • Inputs Accept Voltages to 5.5 V
  • Max tpd of 5.2 ns at 3.3 V
  • Typical VOLP (Output Ground Bounce) <0.8 V at VCC = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C
  • Typical VOHV (Output VOH Undershoot) >2 V at VCC = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C
  • Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 250 mA Per JESD 17
  • ESD Protection Exceeds JESD 22
    • 2000-V Human-Body Model (A114-A)
    • 200-V Machine Model (A115-A)
    • 1000-V Charged-Device Model (C101)

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