SN65LVPE504是TI公司的一款USB信号调节器产品,SN65LVPE504是四通道(半双工 x4 线路)PCI Express Gen II 转接驱动器/均衡器,本页介绍了SN65LVPE504的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN65LVPE504相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
SN65LVPE504 - 四通道(半双工 x4 线路)PCI Express Gen II 转接驱动器/均衡器 - USB信号调节器 - USB - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The SN65LVPE504 is a quad channel, half four lane PCIe redriver and signal conditioner supporting data rates of up to 5.0Gbps. The device complies with PCIe spec revision 2.1, supporting electrical idle and power management modes.
Programmable EQ, De-Emphasis and Amplitude Swing
The SN65LVPE504 is designed to minimize the signal degradation effects such as crosstalk and inter-symbol interference (ISI) that limits interconnect distance between two devices. The input stage of each channel offers selectable equalization settings that can be programmed to match loss in the channel. The differential outputs provide selectable de-emphasis to compensate for the anticipated distortion PCIe signal will experience. Both equalization and de-emphasis levels for all 4 channels are controlled by the setting of signal control pins EQ, DE and OS.
See Table 1 for EQ, DE and OS setting details.
- 4 Identical Channel PCIe Equalizer/Redriver
- Support for Both PCIe Gen I (2.5Gbps) and Gen II (5.0 Gbps) Speed
- Selectable Equalization, De-emphasis, and Output Swing
- Per Channel Receive Detect (Lane Detection)
- Selectable Receiver Electrical Idle Threshold Control
- Low Operating Power Modes
- Supports Three Low-Power Modes to Enable up to 80% Lower Operating Power
- Excellent Jitter and Loss Compensation Capability to 50" of 4-mil SL on FR4
- Small Foot Print – 42 Pin 9 × 3.5 TQFN Package
- High Protection Against ESD Transient
- HBM: 6,000 V
- CDM: 1,000 V
- MM: 200 V
- PC MB, Docking Station, Server, Communication Platform, Backplane and Cabled Application