SN74LS259B - 八路可寻址锁存器 - 其它锁存器 - 触发器/锁存器/寄存器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
These 8-bit addressable latches are designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. Specific uses include working registers, serial-holding registers, and active-high decoders or demultiplexers. They are multifunctional devices capable of storing single-line data in eight addressable latches, and being a 1-of-8 decoder or demultiplexer with active-high outputs.
Four distinct modes of operation are selectable by controlling the clear (CLR\) and enable (G\) inputs as enumerated in the function table. In the addressable-latch mode, data at the data-in terminal is written into the addressed latch. The addressed latch will follow the data input with all unaddressed latches remaining in their previous states. In the memory mode, all latches remain in their previous states and are unaffected by the data or address inputs. To eliminate the possibility of entering erroneous data in the latches, enable G\ should be held high (inactive) while the address lines are changing. In the 1-of-8 decoding or demultiplexing mode, the addressed output will follow the level of the D input with all other outputs low. In the clear mode, all outputs are low and unaffected by the address and data inputs.
The SN54259 and SN54LS259B are characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. The SN74259 and SN74LS259B are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
- 8-Bit Parallel-Out Storage Register Performs Serial-to-Parallel Conversion with Storage
- Asynchronous Parallel Clear
- Active High Decoder
- Enable/Disable Input Simplified Expansion
- Expandable for N-Bit Applications
- Four District Functional Modes
- Package Options Include Ceramic Chip Carriers and Flat Packages in Addition to Plastic and Ceramic DIPs
- Dependable Texas Instruments Quality and Reliability