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SN74LS593 - 产品图解:
SN74LS593-具有输入寄存器和三态输出的 8 位二进制计数器
TI产品 - SN74LS593介绍
SN74LS593 - 具有输入寄存器和三态输出的 8 位二进制计数器

SN74LS593是TI公司的一款计数器/算术/奇偶校验功能产品,SN74LS593是具有输入寄存器和三态输出的 8 位二进制计数器,本页介绍了SN74LS593的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN74LS593相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

SN74LS593 - 具有输入寄存器和三态输出的 8 位二进制计数器 - 计数器/算术/奇偶校验功能 - 特殊逻辑 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


The 'LS592 comes in a 16-pin package and consists of a parallel input, 8-bit storage register feeding an 8-bit binary counter. Both the register and the counter have individual positive-edge-triggered clocks. In addition, the counter has direct load and clear functions. A low-going RCO\ pulse will be obtained when the counter reaches the hex word FF. Expansion is easily accomplished for two stages by connecting RCO\ of the first stage to CCKEN\ of the second stage. Cascading for larger count chains can be accomplished by connecting RCO\ of each stage to CCK of the following stage.

The 'LS593 comes in a 20-pin package and has all the features of the 'LS592 plus 3-state I/O, which provides parallel counter outputs. The tables below show the operation of the enable (CCKEN, CCKEN\) inputs. A register clock enable (RCKEN\) is also provided.


  • Parallel Register Inputs ('LS592)
  • Parallel 3-State I/O: Register Inputs/ Counter Outputs ('LS593)
  • Counter has Direct Overriding Load and Clear
  • Accurate Counter Frequency:DC to 20 MHz

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