SN74LVTH182512-EP是TI公司的一款边界扫描(JTAG)逻辑产品,SN74LVTH182512-EP是具有 18 位通用总线收发器的增强型产品 3.3V Abt 扫描测试设备,本页介绍了SN74LVTH182512-EP的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN74LVTH182512-EP相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
SN74LVTH182512-EP - 具有 18 位通用总线收发器的增强型产品 3.3V Abt 扫描测试设备 - 边界扫描(JTAG)逻辑 - 特殊逻辑 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The SN74LVTH18512 and SN74LVTH182512 scan test devices with 18-bit universal bus transceivers are members of the Texas Instruments SCOPE testability integrated-circuit family. This family of devices supports IEEE Std 1149.1-1990 boundary scan to facilitate testing of complex circuit-board assemblies. Scan access to the test circuitry is accomplished via the 4-wire test access port (TAP) interface.
Additionally, these devices are designed specifically for low-voltage (3.3-V) VCC operation, but with the capability to provide a TTL interface to a 5-V system environment.
In the normal mode, these devices are 18-bit universal bus transceivers that combine D-type latches and D-type flip-flops to allow data flow in transparent, latched, or clocked modes. They can be used either as two 9-bit transceivers or one 18-bit transceiver. The test circuitry can be activated by the TAP to take snapshot samples of the data appearing at the device pins or to perform a self test on the boundary-test cells. Activating the TAP in the normal mode does not affect the functional operation of the SCOPE universal bus transceivers.
Data flow in each direction is controlled by output-enable (OEAB\ and OEBA\), latch-enable (LEAB and LEBA), and clock (CLKAB and CLKBA) inputs. For A-to-B data flow, the devices operate in the transparent mode when LEAB is high. When LEAB is low, the A data is latched while CLKAB is held at a static low or high logic level. Otherwise, if LEAB is low, A data is stored on a low-to-high transition of CLKAB. When OEAB\ is low, the B outputs are active. When OEAB\ is high, the B outputs are in the high-impedance state. B-to-A data flow is similar to A-to-B data flow but uses the OEBA\, LEBA, and CLKBA inputs.
In the test mode, the normal operation of the SCOPE universal bus transceivers is inhibited, and the test circuitry is enabled to observe and control the I/O boundary of the device. When enabled, the test circuitry performs boundary-scan test operations according to the protocol described in IEEE Std 1149.1-1990.
Four dedicated test pins are used to observe and control the operation of the test circuitry: test data input (TDI), test data output (TDO), test mode select (TMS), and test clock (TCK). Additionally, the test circuitry performs other testing functions such as parallel-signature analysis (PSA) on data inputs and pseudo-random pattern generation (PRPG) from data outputs. All testing and scan operations are synchronized to the TAP interface.
Active bus-hold circuitry is provided to hold unused or floating data inputs at a valid logic level.
The B-port outputs of SN74LVTH182512, which are designed to source or sink up to 12 mA, include equivalent 25- series resistors to reduce overshoot and undershoot.
- Controlled Baseline
- One Assembly/Test Site, One Fabrication Site
- Enhanced Diminishing Manufacturing Sources (DMS) Support
- Enhanced Product-Change Notification
- Qualification Pedigree
- Members of the Texas Instruments SCOPE Family of Testability Products
- Members of the Texas Instruments Widebus Family
- State-of-the-Art 3.3-V ABT Design Supports Mixed-Mode Signal Operation (5-V Input and Output Voltages With 3.3-V VCC)
- Support Unregulated Battery Operation Down to 2.7 V
- UBT (Universal Bus Transceiver) Combines D-Type Latches and D-Type Flip-Flops for Operation in Transparent, Latched, or Clocked Mode
- Bus Hold on Data Inputs Eliminates the Need for External Pullup/Pulldown Resistors
- B-Port Outputs of SN74LVTH182512 Device Has Equivalent 25- Series Resistors, So No External Resistors Are Required
- SCOPE Instruction Set
- IEEE Std 1149.1-1990 Required Instructions and Optional CLAMP and HIGHZ
- Parallel-Signature Analysis at Inputs
- Pseudo-Random Pattern Generation From Outputs
- Sample Inputs/Toggle Outputs
- Binary Count From Outputs
- Device Identification
- Even-Parity Opcodes
- Compatible With the IEEE Std 1149.1-1990 (JTAG) Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture
Component qualification in accordance with JEDEC and industry standards to ensure reliable operation over an extended temperature range. This includes, but is not limited to, Highly Accelerated Stress Test (HAST) or biased 85/85, temperature cycle, autoclave or unbiased HAST, electromigration, bond intermetallic life, and mold compound life. Such qualification testing should not be viewed as justifying use of this component beyond specified performance and environmental limits. SCOPE, Widebus, and UBT are trademarks of Texas Instruments.