TLV571是TI公司的一款精密ADC(<=10MSPS)产品,TLV571是具有自动或 S/W 电源关闭功能的 8 位 1.25MSPS 单通道硬件配置,低功耗,本页介绍了TLV571的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与TLV571相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
TLV571 - 具有自动或 S/W 电源关闭功能的 8 位 1.25MSPS 单通道硬件配置,低功耗 - 精密ADC(<=10MSPS) - 模数转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The TLV571 is an 8-bit data acquisition system that combines a high-speed 8-bit ADC and a parallel interface. The device contains two on-chip control registers allowing control of software conversion start and power down via the bidirectional parallel port. The control registers can be set to a default mode using a dummy RD\ while WR\ is tied low allowing the registers to be hardware configurable.
The TLV571 operates from a single 2.7-V to 5.5-V power supply. It accepts an analog input range from 0 V to AVDD and digitizes the input at a maximum 1.25 MSPS throughput rate at 5 V. The power dissipations are only 12 mW with a 3-V supply or 35 mW with a 5-V supply. The device features an auto power-down mode that automatically powers down to 1 mA 50 ns after conversion is performed. In software power-down mode, the ADC is further powered down to only 10 uA.
Very high throughput rate, simple parallel interface, and low power consumption make the TLV571 an ideal choice for high-speed digital signal processing.
- Fast Throughput Rate: 1.25 MSPS at 5 V, 625 KSPS at 3 V
- Wide Analog Input: 0 V to AVDD
- Differential Nonlinearity Error: < ± 0.5 LSB
- Integral Nonlinearity Error: < ± 0.5 LSB
- Single 2.7-V to 5.5-V Supply Operation
- Low Power: 12 mW at 3 V and 35 mW at 5 V
- Auto Power Down of 1 mA Max
- Software Power Down: 10 uA Max
- Internal OSC
- Hardware Configurable
- DSP and Microcontroller Compatible Parallel Interface
- Binary/Twos Complement Output
- Hardware Controlled Extended Sampling
- Hardware or Software Start of Conversion
- Applications
- Mass Storage and HDD
- Automotive
- Digital Servos
- Process Control
- General-Purpose DSP
- Image Sensor Processing