TPS60402-Q1是TI公司的一款电荷泵(无感应器)产品,TPS60402-Q1是汽车类未稳压 60mA 充电泵电压反向器,本页介绍了TPS60402-Q1的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与TPS60402-Q1相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
TPS60402-Q1 - 汽车类未稳压 60mA 充电泵电压反向器 - 电荷泵(无感应器) - DC/DC开关稳压器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The TPS6040x is a family of devices that generate an unregulated negative output voltage from an input voltage ranging from 1.6 V to 5.5 V. The devices are typically supplied by a preregulated supply rail of 5 V or 3.3 V. Due to its wide input voltage range, two or three NiCd, NiMH, or alkaline battery cells, as well as one Li-Ion cell can also power them.
Only three external 1-µF capacitors are required to build a complete dc/dc charge pump inverter. Assembled in a 5-pin SOT23 package, the complete converter can be built on a 50-mm2 board area. Additional board area and component count reduction is achieved by replacing the Schottky diode that is typically needed for start-up into load by integrated circuitry.
The TPS6040x can deliver a maximum output current of 60 mA with a typical conversion efficiency of greater than 90% over a wide output current range. Three device options with 20-kHz, 50-kHz, and 250-kHz fixed frequency operation are available. One device comes with a variable switching frequency to reduce operating current in applications with a wide load range and enables the design with low-value capacitors.
- Qualified for Automotive Applications
- Inverts Input Supply Voltage
- Up to 60-mA Output Current
- Only Three Small 1-µF Ceramic Capacitors Needed
- Input Voltage Range From 1.6 V to 5.5 V
- PowerSave-Mode for Improved Efficiency at Low Output Currents (TPS60400)
- Device Quiescent Current Typical 100 µA
- Integrated Active Schottky-Diode for Start-Up Into Load
- Small 5-Pin SOT23 Package
- Evaluation Module Available TPS60400EVM-178
- applications
- LCD Bias
- GaAs Bias for RF Power Amps
- Sensor Supply in Portable Instruments
- Bipolar Amplifier Supply