TPS62698是TI公司的一款转换器(集成开关)产品,TPS62698是800mA、3MHz 高效降压转换器。3.0V 固定输出电压。,本页介绍了TPS62698的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与TPS62698相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
TPS62698 - 800mA、3MHz 高效降压转换器。3.0V 固定输出电压。 - 转换器(集成开关) - DC/DC开关稳压器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The TPS62693 device is a high-frequency synchronous step-down dc-dc converter optimized for battery-powered portable applications. Intended for low-power applications, the TPS62693 supports up to 800-mA load current, and allows the use of low cost chip inductor and capacitors.
The device is ideal for mobile phones and similar portable applications powered by a single-cell Li-Ion battery. Different fixed output voltage versions are available in the range from 2.2 V up to 3.3 V.
The TPS62693 operates at a regulated 3-MHz switching frequency and enters the power-save mode operation at light load currents to maintain high efficiency over the entire load current range.
The PFM mode extends the battery life by reducing the quiescent current to 21 µA (typical) during light load operation. For noise-sensitive applications, the device can be forced into fixed frequency PWM mode by pulling the MODE pin high. This feature, combined with high PSRR and AC load regulation performance, make this device suitable to replace a linear regulator to obtain better power conversion efficiency.
- 95% Efficiency at 3MHz Operation
- 21 µA Quiescent Current
- 3 MHz Regulated Frequency Operation
- Spread Spectrum, PWM Frequency Dithering
- High Duty-Cycle Operation
- ±2% Total DC Voltage Accuracy
- Load and Line Transient
- Excellent AC Load Regulation
- Low Ripple Light-Load PFM Mode
- ≥40 dB VIN PSRR (1 kHz to 10 kHz)
- Internal Soft Start, 350-μs Start-Up Time
- Integrated Active Power-Down Sequencing (Optional)
- Current Overload and Thermal Shutdown Protection
- Three Surface-Mount External Components Required (One 2012 MLCC Inductor, Two 0402 Ceramic Capacitors)
- Complete Sub 1-mm Component Profile Solution
- Total Solution Size <12 mm2 (CSP)
- Available in a 6-Pin NanoFree (CSP)