TPS650241是TI公司的一款无产品,TPS650241是面向锂离子电池供电系统的电源管理 IC (PMIC),本页介绍了TPS650241的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与TPS650241相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
TPS650241 - 面向锂离子电池供电系统的电源管理 IC (PMIC) - 无 - 电源管理多通道IC(PMIC)解决方案 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The TPS65024x are integrated Power Management ICs for applications powered by one Li-Ion or Li-Polymer cell, which require multiple power rails. The TPS65024x provide three highly efficient, step-down converters targeted at providing the core voltage, peripheral, I/O and memory rails in a processor based system. All three step-down converters enter a low power mode at light load for maximum efficiency across the widest possible range of load currents. The converters can be forced into fixed frequency PWM mode by pulling the MODE pin high. The TPS65024x also integrate two general purpose 200mA LDO voltage regulators, which are enabled with an external input pin. Each LDO operates with an input voltage range between 1.5V and 6.5V allowing them to be supplied from one of the step-down converters or directly from the battery. The output voltage of the LDOs can be set with an external resistor divider for maximum flexibility. Additionally there is a 30mA LDO typically used to provide power in a processor based system to a voltage rail that is always on. TPS65024x provide voltage scaling on DCDC3 using the DEFDCDC3 pin. This pin either needs to be connected to a logic HIGH or logic LOW level to set the output voltage of DCDC3. TPS65024x come in a small 5mm x 5mm 32 pin QFN package (RHB).
- 1.6A, 1.0A or 0.8A, 97% Efficient Step-Down Converter for System Voltage (VDCDC1)
- 3.3V or 2.80V or Adjustable
- 1.6A, 1.0A or 0.8A, up to 95% Efficient Step-Down Converter for Memory Voltage (VDCDC2)
- 1.8V or 2.5V or Adjustable
- 0.8A, 90% Efficient Step-Down Converter for Processor Core (VDCDC3)
- Two Selectable Voltages for VDCDC3
- TPS650240:DEFDCDC3= LOW: VO = 1.0VDEFDCDC3= HIGH: VO = 1.3V
- TPS650241:DEFDCDC3= LOW: VO = 0.9VDEFDCDC3= HIGH: VO= 1.375V
- TPS650242:DEFDCDC3= LOW: VO = 1.0VDEFDCDC3= HIGH: VO = 1.5V
- TPS650243:DEFDCDC3= LOW: VO = 1.0VDEFDCDC3= HIGH: VO = 1.2V
- TPS650244:DEFDCDC3= LOW: VO = 1.55VDEFDCDC3= HIGH: VO = 1.6V
- TPS650245:DEFDCDC3= LOW: VO = 0.9VDEFDCDC3= HIGH: VO = 1.1V
- 30mA LDO for Vdd_alive
- 2 × 200mA General Purpose LDOs (LDO1 and LDO2)
- Dynamic Voltage Management for Processor Core
- LDO1 and LDO2 Voltage Externally Adjustable
- Separate Enable Pins for Inductive Converters
- 2.25MHz Switching Frequency
- 85&miccro;A Quiescent Current
- Thermal Shutdown Protection
- Cellular/Smart Phone
- Digital Still Camera
- Split Supply DSP and µP Solutions:, Samsung ARM-Based Processors, etc.