TPS65800是TI公司的一款无产品,TPS65800是集成单节锂离子电池和电源管理 IC (PMIC),本页介绍了TPS65800的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与TPS65800相关的TI元器件型号供参考。
TPS65800 - 集成单节锂离子电池和电源管理 IC (PMIC) - 无 - 电源管理多通道IC(PMIC)解决方案 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)
The TPS65800 provides an easy to use, fully integrated solution for handheld devices, integrating charge management, multiple regulated power supplies, system management and display functions, in a small thermally-enhanced 8x8-mm package. The high level of integration enables typical board area space savings of 70% when compared to equivalent discrete solutions, while implementing a high-performance and flexible solution, portable across multiple platforms. If required, an external host may control the TPS65800 via I2C interface, with access to all integrated systems. The I2C enables setting output voltages, current thresholds, and operation modes. Internal registers have a complete set of status information, enabling easy diagnostics, and host-controlled handling of fault conditions. The TPS65800 can operate in stand-alone mode, with no external host control, if the internal power-up defaults are compatible with the system requirements
- Complete charge management solution for single Li-Ion/Li-Pol cell with thermal foldback, dynamic power management, and pack temperature sensing, supporting up to 1.5-A maximum charge current
- Programmable charge parameters for AC adapter and USB port operation
- A total of 9 LDOs are integrated:Six adjustable output LDOs (1.25-V to 3.3-V) Two fixed-voltage LDOs (3.3-V)One RTC backup supply with low leakage (3.1-V)
- Two 600-mA, programmable dc/dc buck converters (0.6-V to 3.4-V) with enable, standby-mode operation, and automatic low-power mode setting
- Two open-drain PWM outputs with programmable frequency and duty cycle. Can be used to control keyboard backlight, vibrator, or other external peripheral functions
- RGB LED driver with programmable flashing period and individual R/G/B brightness control
- Constant-current white LED driver, with programmable current level, brightness control, and overvoltage protection can drive up to 6 LEDs in series configuration
- Dual input power path function with input current limiting and OV protection
- POR function with programmable masking monitors all integrated supplies outputs
- Software and hardware reset functions
- 8-channel integrated A/D samples system parameters with single conversion, peak detection, or averaging operating modes
- Host can set system parameters and access system status using I2C interface
- Interrupt function with programmable masking signals system status modifiction to host
- 3 GPIO ports, programmable as drivers, integrated A/D trigger or buck converters standby mode control
- PDAs
- Smart Phones
- MP3s
- Internet Appliances
- Handheld Devices