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TPS71936-315 - 产品图解:
TPS71936-315-采用 2mm x 2mm SON 封装的 200mA 输出、低噪声、高 PSRR、低压降双路线性稳压器
TI产品 - TPS71936-315介绍
TPS71936-315 - 采用 2mm x 2mm SON 封装的 200mA 输出、低噪声、高 PSRR、低压降双路线性稳压器

TPS71936-315是TI公司的一款多通道LDO产品,TPS71936-315是采用 2mm x 2mm SON 封装的 200mA 输出、低噪声、高 PSRR、低压降双路线性稳压器,本页介绍了TPS71936-315的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与TPS71936-315相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

TPS71936-315 - 采用 2mm x 2mm SON 封装的 200mA 输出、低噪声、高 PSRR、低压降双路线性稳压器 - 多通道LDO - 线性稳压器(LDO) - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


The TPS718xx and TPS719xx families of low-dropout (LDO) regulators offer a high power-supply rejection ratio (PSRR), low noise, fast start-up, and excellent line and load transient responses while consuming a very low 90µA (typical) at no load ground current with both LDOs enabled. The TPS719xx also provides an active pulldown circuit to quickly discharge output loads. The TPS718xx and TPS719xx are stable with ceramic capacitors and use an advanced BiCMOS fabrication process to yield a typical dropout voltage of 230mV at 200mA output loads. The TPS718xx and TPS719xx also use a precision voltage reference and feedback loop to achieve 3% overall accuracy over all load, line, process, and temperature variations. Both families of devices are fully specified from TJ = -40°C to +125°C and are offered in 2mm × 2mm SON-6 and 6-ball Wafer Chip-Scale (WCSP) packages that are ideal for applications such as mobile handsets and WLAN that require good thermal dissipation while maintaining a very small footprint.


  • Dual, 200mA High-Performance LDOs
  • Low Total Quiescent Current: 90µA with Both LDOs Enabled
  • Low Noise: 70µVRMS/V
  • Active Output Pulldown (TPS719xx)
  • Independent Enables for Each LDO
  • PSRR: 65dB at 1kHz, 45dB at 1MHz
  • Available in Multiple Fixed-Output Voltage Combinations from 0.9V to 3.6V Using Innovative Factory EEPROM Programming
  • Fast Start-Up Time: 160µs
  • Over-Current, Over-Temperature and Under-Voltage Protection
  • Low Dropout: 230mV at 200mA
  • Stable with 1µF Ceramic Output Capacitor
  • Available in 2mm × 2mm SON-6 and 6-Ball WCSP Packages
    • Digital Cameras and Camera Modules
    • Cellular Camera and TV Phones
    • Wireless LAN, Bluetooth
    • Handheld Products

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