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TPS79418 - 产品图解:
TPS79418-超低噪声、高 PSRR、快速射频、高电平启用、250mA 低压降稳压器
TI产品 - TPS79418介绍
TPS79418 - 超低噪声、高 PSRR、快速射频、高电平启用、250mA 低压降稳压器

TPS79418是TI公司的一款单通道LDO产品,TPS79418是超低噪声、高 PSRR、快速射频、高电平启用、250mA 低压降稳压器,本页介绍了TPS79418的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与TPS79418相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

TPS79418 - 超低噪声、高 PSRR、快速射频、高电平启用、250mA 低压降稳压器 - 单通道LDO - 线性稳压器(LDO) - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


The TPS794xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators features high power-supply rejection ratio (PSRR), ultralow-noise, fast start-up, and excellent line and load transient responses in small outline, MSOP-8 PowerPAD™ and SOT223-6 packages. Each device in the family is stable with a small 2.2-µF ceramic capacitor on the output. The family uses an advanced, proprietary BiCMOS fabrication process to yield extremely low dropout voltages (for example, 155 mV at 250 mA). Each device achieves fast start-up times (approximately 50 µs with a 0.001-µF bypass capacitor) while consuming low quiescent current (170 µA typical). Moreover, when the device is placed in standby mode, the supply current is reduced to less than µA. The TPS79428 exhibits approximately 32 µVRMS of output voltage noise at 2.8 V output with a 0.1-µF bypass capacitor. Applications with analog components that are noise-sensitive, such as portable RF electronics, benefit from the high PSRR and low noise features as well as the fast response time.


  • 250-mA Low-Dropout Regulator With Enable
  • Available in Fixed and Adjustable (1.2 V to5.5 V) Versions
  • High PSRR (60 dB at 10 kHz)
  • Ultralow Noise (32 µVrms, TPS79428)
  • Fast Start-Up Time (50 µs)
  • Stable With a 2.2-µF Ceramic Capacitor
  • Excellent Load/Line Transient Response
  • Very Low Dropout Voltage (155 mV at Full Load)
  • Available in MSOP-8 and SOT223-6 Packages
    • RF: VCOs, Receivers, ADCs
    • Audio
    • Bluetooth™, Wireless LAN
    • Cellular and Cordless Telephones
    • Handheld Organizers, PDAs

PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments. Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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